
How to Generate Sales Leads Without Spending a Penny

When you are in business by yourself and not yet earning Iphone 4s Expand Keyboard an income, it is at times difficult to justify buying leads. The temptation of promoting on Google is always there, nagging at you, but there are ways to generate the identical kinds of leads without having to pay for pay-per-click advertising. If you want to generate sales leads in a hurry and d not have any money to spend, here are some suggestions for you:1. Use Craig’s List. Whether you have a product or a service, Craig’s List (craigslist.com) is the world’s largest resource for people connecting with other individuals. If you have a product that helps people find work, get a job, or offers them actual work, then advertise it in the employment section. Craig’s List, currently, charges to put an advertisment in the employment category of some of the larger cities, so try and choose areas nearby (i.e., pick Sacramento instead of the San Francisco Bay Area).2. Join online groups. A good place to begin is at Yahoo. Yahoogroups.com has a couple thousands of groups that you can join. If your product is golf-related, join all the golf groups you are able. If your product is an e-book about anxiety, then join groups that focus on that malady. Once you have established yourself as a member of the group, let them know that you are in business, additionally, have your website in your signature.3. Submit as many articles as you can and submit them right away. Every article should contain some reference of your name, your product, your URL, and list the keywords you believe are appropriate to your product at least three times in the article and once in the Motorcycle Goggles title.Network marketing lead generation is a must in order for your business to be successful. You don’t have to pay for advertising to generate sales leads if you grasp these three tips and do them consistently until you have built up a following and begun to realize sales.

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